The Festival France



Imagine : a time when all our voices will join together to sing out the glory of one name.

Imagine : a battle cry for all our churches, the sound of a kingdom touching earth.

Imagine : brothers and sisters from all over Europe setting aside time to be together in the center of France.

Imagine : worship times where we touch the heavens and the heavens touch earth.

Imagine : a new fresh encounter with God, his projects, his presence.

Imagine : a deeper connection with your friends, your church and beyond, all united by a vision that is bigger than all of us.

This is what you can expect from the summer of 2020. This is our vision for The Festival. 5 days together, in a heart to heart with God, 5 days together, face to face with the people of God in all their beauty, strength and diversity. A time for creativity, connexion, transformed lives, and above all, the manifestation of the glory of Jesus here and now.


People from all over Europe will meeting together, so we want to make it as accessible as possible for as many of you as possible. Most main sessions and seminars will be taking place in French, but simultaneous translation into Dutch and English will be offered, for the adult, children’s and youth venues.


Aug 17 - 22 2020


All Day

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le Domaine de Bisseret
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