vision, values & beliefs
Vision & values
Mosaic Church exists to bring glory to God.
One family
- Devoted to one another
Be devoted to one another in love (Romans 12:10).
We see in the bible that once you accept Jesus Christ in your life, you are being adopted into Gods family. To be brothers and sisters means we care for one another, we eat together and we do things that families would do.
- Authentic
We are people open and honest about our lives.
One faith
- Word-based
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42).
We preach from the bible. We want to be wise builders, as Jesus preached in Matthew 7: Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.
- Spirit –filled
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth who guides the people of God into all truth (John 16:13).
We are people filled with the Holy Spirit and who walk in God’s power.
One mission
- Evangelistic
We live out and share the good news about Jesus. We want Jesus to be made known in Brussels and beyond. We want the truth of the gospel making an impact in our city.

Mosaic Church holds to the historic Orthodox Christian faith as found in the Bible and summarized in the ‘Ecumenical Creeds’ of the Church (statements of belief developed by the early church, which all Christian denominations agree on).
The Trinity
We believe that there is one God who has eternally existed in a community of three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All are to be worshipped and all are equally God. None of them came into existence at a point in time. They are not identical to one another (the Father is not the Son or the Holy Spirit and the Son is not the Father or the Spirit, etc.) but they are one in will and essence.
God the Father
Created all things (both visible and invisible realities) out of nothing, according to his will, through the Son and in the power of the Holy Spirit. He is faithful to every promise and out of all that he created he intends for humanity, in particular, to live in relationship with Himself. Therefore, in an act of great mercy and love, he sent his Son into the world.
God the Son
He Came: Moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the Son came into the world as a man, but without the loss of his divinity. He was conceived by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit, and was born as Jesus of Nazareth through the virgin Mary. He was tempted in every way that we are and yet lived a sinless life. He came to reveal God to us and to rescue us from our rebellion and rejection of God (sin) and its consequences.
He Died and Rose: He died on the cross in our place, removing all barriers to our relationship with the Father. Three days later, he rose bodily from the grave, as a demonstration of his power over sin and death, and as proof of his identity as the eternal Son of God. For 40 days after his resurrection, he remained on the earth and appeared to over 500 people, teaching them and eating with them. After this time he returned to heaven, where he now rules at the ‘right hand of the Father’, and through him all who love him have access to the Father.
He Will Come Again: At an unknown time in the future, Jesus will return physically, to establish His everlasting kingdom. At this time all the dead will be physically raised, and along with the living will be judged by him, according to how they have responded to his life and teachings.
God the Holy Spirit
Was sent by God the Father and the Son into the world in order to: make us aware of our need for a saviour, lead us to trust in Jesus’ life and work and empower the believer to live a new life in obedience to God. He spoke through the Old Testament Prophets and inspired the writers of the New Testament, and he enables us to understand what God has revealed about himself.
The Church
The Church is a spiritual community, made up of all those (living and dead) who have turned from their sin and trusted in Jesus alone for their salvation, all of whom have been given new life by the Holy Spirit and are united to Jesus as ‘one body’. The Church is founded on the truths found in the Bible (the Apostles’ teaching) and is not identical to one denomination, institution, or gathering of people.
Along with these central beliefs we have other core convictions, which shape our specific practices of church and the Christian life …
We believe that the Bible, including the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament, is the written word of God. The Scriptures are the authoritative guide for all Christian life, practice and beliefs (for the Church and the individual). The truthfulness of every statement of belief is dependent on whether on not it is in line with the teachings of Scripture. All believers are encouraged to study the Scriptures and apply them to their lives in obedience to God, who speaks through them with life-giving power.
As a church, we stand within a particular Protestant tradition that emphasises the supremacy of God over all things in creation and in relation to salvation. We believe that all things exist for God’s purposes and his glory, that he is the rightful ruler and judge of all things and that he is the thing of most value and worth in the universe.
We believe that the Holy Spirit supernaturally gives abilities to believers, some of which seem “ordinary” (e.g. administration, hospitality), while others seem more extraordinary (e.g. healing, prophecy). We believe that all of the ‘gifts of the Spirit’ found in the Bible are still available for all who believe in Jesus and that these gifts should be encouraged and practised in the individual’s life and within the Christian community for the building up and encouragement of all believers. We also believe that the ‘Baptism of the Spirit’ is available for all believers and should be accompanied by further fillings of the Spirit throughout the believer’s life.
We believe that God has given all believers a mission, which is to ‘Glorify God through living and sharing the Gospel (the good news about Jesus)’.